In Ramsey County, ‘Ujamaa’ means Collaboration 和 Transformation

In Ramsey County, ‘Ujamaa’ means Collaboration 和 Transformation Main 照片



这篇文章是“公平机会”系列文章中的第三篇,旨在提高人们对爱博体育手机版下载受司法影响的个人就业需求的认识,以及愿意为这些归国公民提供有意义的就业机会的雇主的利益. 关注即将发布的内容,详细查看活动区域提供商和资源, 以及从他们的互动中直接受益的企业和个人. Justice-impacted individuals 和 local employers can contact Ramsey County 劳动力 Solutions 寻求帮助.

Regardless of a person’s cultural background or race, 他们经常把“社区”这个词与他们生活和工作的地方与其他人的密切关系联系在一起, 走到一起,互相帮助,使他们的目标和生活更容易实现. 

For justice-impacted individuals, a positive community environment is vitally important yet challenging to obtain.  最近的一次 爱博体育手机版下载社区 Corrections 调查显示,在缓刑期间的成年人最普遍的需求是更好地与社区资源联系.

The 圣保罗-based organization, Ujamaa地方, tackles the collaborative effect community can have on reducing crime, homelessness 和 other barriers facing men today. It takes its name from one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa, “ujamaa,” meaning “cooperative economics” 和 “familyhood.” Ujamaa地方 is a brotherhood of men.  

“我们牢记,我们是一个‘大家庭’,”Ujamaa地方住房教练CJ Jessup说. “Our goal is to stabilize the lives of men by enrollment into the 转换理论™, 一个文化设计的整体规划框架,旨在帮助登记的参与者获得和维持稳定的住房, increase 教育al attainment, 确保/保留就业, connect with family/children 和 eliminate contact with the criminal justice system.  


Since opening its doors in 2010, 乌贾马广场提供支持服务,帮助男性建立积极的生活,并在社会中发挥贡献作用. 这些男性主要是非裔美国人,年龄在18-30岁之间,生活在双子城七县都会区,面临就业问题, 住房和其他负担. 这些人免费在Ujamaa地方注册,并通过其获得转型服务 转换理论™

Its main office is located on University Avenue in 圣保罗, 同时,它管理和维护城市中的几个分散的住房物业,可以容纳32名参与者,他们住在三个过渡住房点和两个长期住房点, 与PPL合作. 如果这些人成功地实现了他们的个人转型计划(ITP)目标,他们的目标是在一年内过渡到长期住房, which they create with their navigator at enrollment. 


Ujamaa地方’s 转换理论™ centers on five main pillars – housing, 就业, 教育, wellness 和 criminal justice advocacy. 所有支柱都嵌入了文化,所有注册的男性都可以免费获得37种以上的服务. The organization assigns coaches to each participant.  Coaches also have the responsibility of managing a pillar.  Each participant has the support of their assigned coach, as well as the coach that manages the pillar based on their ITP needs.  

“所有的教练都有同样的目标——改变生活,我们认识到一切都是相通的,” said Ujamaa地方 Employment Coach Nigel Sharper. “It's difficult to secure a place to live without a job, 如果一个人有某种依赖,他就很难找到工作,对每个支柱来说都是如此, so we know we all have to work together to make things straight.”


For most individuals coming to Ujamaa地方, 未愈合的创伤是一个潜在的主题,也是他们追求生活的真正障碍. Services are allocated to the men by their coach based on their needs. Participants are referred to Ujamaa地方 by parole 和 probation agencies, 母亲和家庭成员.   Weekly information sessions are held at the main office every Wednesday at 10:30 am, 在那里,不速之客或关心此事的家人和朋友可以带男人来了解乌贾玛广场,以及加入该组织的好处 转换理论™.

An average of 60-70% of Ujamaa Men have a connection to the criminal justice system, while 80-90% are homeless or have unstable housing. Ujamaa地方 serves primarily Black or African-American (92%), 然而, 该项目面向在种族和贫困的交汇处遭受不平等待遇的所有种族的男性.  


自2010年开始运营以来,乌贾马广场已经成功改造了6000多名男性. It has maintained a 4%-6% recidivism rate since its inception, compared to a 38% rate reported in the Minnesota Department of Corrections 2021 Performance Report.

Ujamaa地方首席执行官克里斯·克拉奇菲尔德(Chris Crutchfield)将稳定和转型的成功归功于他们在员工的支持下付出的辛勤工作, 支持者, 政策制定者, the Ujamaa Board of Directors 和 the community.

“Transformation is not easy work for the men, which is why we celebrate every success they make along the way of their 转换理论™ 克拉奇菲尔德说.

“Everyone involved knows we are transforming lives,” said Jessup. “作为教练之一, I can say many of us have made similar mistakes or lived through similar situations. The men we work with can relate to us 和 see different paths are possible through us.”

Jessup is excited about the future with Crutchfield, who recently took over for retired CEO Otis Z和ers, 是谁监督了乌贾马广场存在的大部分时间里发生的成功转变.



In the Twin Cities, the Ujamaa name is synonymous with collaboration 和 transformation. 一些教练在圣保罗公立学校有一席之地,或者在空闲时间参与当地的体育和娱乐组织. Its name 和 services are well-known in regional correctional facilities, with justice-impacted individuals eager to work with them upon release. Ujamaa地方通常在7月的回旋日期间有一个摊位,其成员积极参与 双城男子运动. Sharper found meaningful work in various roles for over a decade in nonprofits. While only recently hired as an Employment Coach, 这些过去的经历都比不上他对乌贾马的满意.

“Not every black man grows up with a positive role model, 因此,作为教练,我们在这里告诉大家,成功可以通过许多不同的途径来过上积极的生活,他说. 

If you find the Ujamaa地方 mission intriguing 和 would like to be involved, see the Ujamaa地方 website for 当前的职位空缺志愿者捐赠 机会.



  • 明尼苏达州惩教署有几个再入服务和资源,比如 Minnesota Transition Coalitions. 
  • 重新提供动力, 以前的技术转储, 是明尼苏达州最大的电子垃圾收集商之一,同时也是一家社会企业,为面临就业障碍的人提供就业和培训.
  • 双子城!se 的使命是“通过个人赋权来改变那些受到种族或社会经济障碍影响的人的生活”, career training 和 meaningful 就业.”
  • 来自内心的艺术 一个惩教人员成立的组织是为了让被监禁的艺术家通过艺术和社区展览来表达自己吗.
  • 我们都是罪犯 是一个明尼苏达的非营利组织,致力于挑战社会对“罪犯”的看法.”